Gau Sanjivani Chhash(Taak) and Lemon Masala(Buttermilk Masala)

₹1/ Bottle
Category: Organic Vegetables
MOQ: 120 Bottle
Uses & Application: This masala constitutes of many ingredients like black salt, cumin powder, pepper which when added to butter milk has many fold effects, in its own. It neutralizes those elements of butter milk which may cause heightened level of cough in human body
Packing: 150grams
Packing Details: Glass Jar
Supply Capacity: 100
Port of Dispatch: Any
Delivery Time (In Days): 10
Payment: Net banking

    • This masala constitutes of many ingredients like black salt, cumin powder, pepper which when added to butter milk has many fold effects, in its own.


    • It neutralizes those elements of butter milk which may cause heightened level of cough in human body. It enhances the taste of the butter milk or any other food stuff to which it is added to.


  • The masala is a rich source of essential minerals that deter the disease that is caused due to mineral deficiency.
  • Butter milk masala adds a unique flavor to the butter milk and enhances its taste.
  • गौ संजीवनी छाछ & लेमन मसाला*
    Buttermilk &lemon masala

    जीरा, सेंधा नमक, संचल, फुदीना, काली मिर्च, दालचीनी

    आइए इस गर्मी की सीजन में घर पर उपयोग करे छाश मसाला

    गर्मियों में मसाले वाली छाछ पीने से से शरीर को होंगे ये फायदे

    पाचन तंत्र को बेहतर बनाता है
    एसिडिटी में राहत देता है
    मसालेदार खाने के असर से बचाता है
    कैंसर और हाई कोलेस्ट्रॉल के जोखिम को कम करता है
    वजन घटाने में सहायक नियमित छाछ का सेवन करने से वजन घटाने में मदद मिलती है। …
    हड्डियों की मजबूती …
    पूरी करता है पानी की कमी
