Category: Organic Fruits
Uses & Application: Fruits
Packing: 1 Kg
Supply Capacity: Bulk
Port of Dispatch: Any
Delivery Time (In Days): 10
Payment: Net banking

This 100% Pure & Natural strawberry pieces and powder have so many uses, we will need an entire site to list them! Strawberries are low in fat content and calorie.They are rich in vitamin C, fiber, folic acid as well as potassium and can reduce the risk of cancers and heart attacks. Strawberry intake helps in the reduction of systolic blood pressure and taste delicious too!

  • Go strawberry crazy and add starwberry powder to all your baked goodies like strawberry cake, strawberry muffins, puddings, pastries, cookies and so much more
  • Strawberries Pieces and powder is a good source of vitamin C, and contain a large amount of fruit sugar, so they are an excellent spring tonic, and are delicious when juiced. Its a great way to start breakfast especially kids, and can be added to milk shakes, pancakes and breakfast cereal.
  • They can be considered an eliminative food, and are good for the intestinal tract.
  • Strawberries have an alkaline reaction in the body and can be good for acidity or after heavy meals
  • Because of their high sodium content, they can be considered "a food of youth." They also have a good amount of potassium, so add your strawberry pieces to health juices, smoothies and salads
  • Flavor your home made ice cream with Strawberry powder and garnish with our real dried Strawberry pieces. Strawberry powder is delicious as desserts, jam, jellies, ice creams and syrup. Fruit are employed in anorexia, diarrhoea, urinary troubles, general  debility, thirst, sexual debility (yes, strawberry is a natural and tasty aphrodisiac).
  • Use Strawberry powder to make home made soap, cosmetics, lip gloss, facials and in aromatherapy
