Elworld’s Natural Makhaana/Foxnut/Lotus seeds are low in cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium. They are an extremely good source of manganese, potassium, magnesium, thiamin, protein and phosphorus. 100 grams of lotus seed will give you 175 calories, which means about 65 grams of carbs, 18 grams protein, and 1.9 to 2.5 grams of fat. The remaining is made up of water, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium. These are high in fiber, which helps maintaining the excretory tract in proper order. It helps to eliminate all the spleen from the body and keeps it clean from the unnecessary cholesterol, therefore, maintaining the bodyâ™s cholesterol level. The potassium content is a great advantage for heart. It is helpful in flushing out excess water and sodium from the body. It is of a great help in case there are muscle contractions, which can lead to cramps. The thiamine content in lotus seeds are helpful in sustaining the healthy cognitive functions of the nerves.