Dry figs are highly nutritious and can help with constipation, with a total of 3.0 grams of fibre in every ½ cup of dry figs. Besides helping achieve healthier bowel movements, high fibre also helps lower cholesterol levels. Anjeer benefits us as a laxative to help cleanse out the gut simply by soaking the figs overnight and consuming them the next day. The laxative properties have also been proven to help treat piles. Figs can also help clear out bronchial tubes and treat respiratory problems like bronchitis.
Anjeer benefits us with its high potassium content, making them extremely helpful in controlling blood pressure and improving heart health, and although they are a great source of energy because of their high sugar and carbs content, dry figs should be eaten in moderation if you are targeting a calorie-deficit diet. Figs contain the antioxidant called ‘phenol’ as well as fibre, which togetherly work to eliminate free radicals that would otherwise trigger the development of heart disease and damage blood vessels. Dry figs also contain calcium which helps a lot in the strengthening of bones and fighting against orthopaedic problems like arthritis.