Groundnut Oil (WOODPRESSED)

₹225.00/ Bottle
Organic Status: Organic
Category: Organic Cooking Oil
MOQ: 1 Bottle
Packing: 750.00ml
Packing Details: Bottle
Supply Capacity: bulk
Port of Dispatch: any
Delivery Time (In Days): 10
Payment: Net banking,others

Loaded with Antioxidants,  Boost Immune System

Heart healthy- control blood sugar level (rich is plant Sterols (27.9mg) which helps in preventing coronary heart disease and cut stroke risk) and cholesterol level by lowering LDL and increasing HDL (MUFA). Phytosterols-reduce Bad Cholesterol, 

Rich source of Vit-E- help against Premature Aging, Skin & Hair care

  • Resveratol & polyphenol (remove Toxins & harmful substance by binding to free radicals

           protect the body cells from Cancer) manage in fighting cognitive  disorder-Dementia  and alzheimers’s, Improve brain health 

   contain Essential Fatty Acid- Linoleic Acid (Omega-6)

  • Reduce type-II Diebetic risk, risk of gallstone

It contains powerful lipid soluble antioxidant (15.69 mg alpha Tocopherol & 15.91 mg gamma Tocopherol

High in Digestive Proteins.
