Samolina / Suji - 500Gms

₹69/ Packet



Rajasthan, India

Organic Status: Organic
Category: Organic Cereals
MOQ: 1 Packet
Certificate: RSOCA
Uses & Application: High in protein and fiber, suji increases feeling of fullness between meals. It is also high in B vitamins like thiamine and folate. Apart from this, suji is a good..
Packing: 500 gm
Packing Details: Bag
Supply Capacity: 100
Port of Dispatch: Any
Delivery Time (In Days): 10
Payment: Net banking

High in protein and fiber, suji increases feeling of fullness between meals. It is also high in B vitamins like thiamine and folate. Apart from this, suji is a good source of iron and magnesium, which helps support red blood cell production, heart health, and blood sugar control.

Semolina/Suji is also known for boosting energy. It is ideal for all those living an active lifestyle. It keeps your body charged throughout the day, helps you perform better and prevents the general sense of lethargy felt during afternoons mostly. 

Semolina /Suji is great for your bone health and nervous system too. It increases bone density and keeps them healthy and strong. It contains phosphorus, zinc and magnesium which is necessary for the maintenance of a good nervous system.

Semolina / Suji is excellent for your heart as well. It improves your cardiovascular health and prevents heart attacks, heart failures, etc. This is because semolina contains selenium in abundance which prevents infections and strengthens the immune system too.

Semolina / Suji is an excellent source of iron. It contains sufficient amount of iron which is needed for your body. Consuming a diet that is full of iron will increase blood circulation, produce more fuel for your day-to-day functioning.
