Neera Organic logo

Neera Organic


Jeet Rajesh Bhatt


About Company

It sounds like your business deals with natural organic fertilizers and earthworms, catering to various needs including home gardening, agriculture, greenhouse cultivation, kitchen gardens, nurseries, bonsai care, garden plants, and lawn maintenance.

Natural organic fertilizers are becoming increasingly popular due to their eco-friendly nature and their ability to enrich soil health without the use of synthetic chemicals. Earthworms play a crucial role in composting and soil enrichment by breaking down organic matter and turning it into nutrient-rich castings.

By offering products that support sustainable gardening and farming practices, your business likely appeals to environmentally conscious consumers who prioritize organic and natural solutions for their gardening needs. If you provide more specific information about your products, services, or mission, I can tailor my response accordingly.

Basic Information

Language english, hindi
Status non-organic
