Kalpdrup Organics And Agriculture Projects PVT LTD logo

Kalpdrup Organics And Agriculture Projects PVT LTD


Archana Tripathi

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

About Farm

Kalpdrup Organics And Agriculture Projects Private Limited is a privately held company that was incorporated on January 28, 2022. It operates in the agricultural sector, specifically focusing on activities related to the growing of crops, market gardening, and horticulture. Being a non-government company, it operates independently and is registered at the Registrar of Companies in Ahmedabad.

As of its latest available financial information, the authorized share capital of Kalpdrup Organics And Agriculture Projects Private Limited stands at Rs. 300,000, with a paid-up capital of Rs. 100,000. This indicates the amount of capital that the company is authorized to raise and the portion of it that has been paid for by shareholders.

The company's Annual General Meeting (AGM) details and balance sheet filing information are not available in the records from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) as of now.

The directors of Kalpdrup Organics And Agriculture Projects Private Limited are Archana Tripathi and Mamta Chaturvedi. They are likely responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the company.

Given its focus on organics and agriculture projects, Kalpdrup Organics And Agriculture Projects Private Limited likely engages in activities aimed at sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. However, without further information, it's challenging to provide more specific details about the company's operations, projects, or initiatives.

Basic Information

Language english, hindi
Farming Method non-organic
